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Our Founder

Sarah Grazi

Sarah Grazi has a Bachelors in English Writing and continued education in the Teacher's College at Colombia University. She now has 15 years of classroom teaching experience. 

A Message from Our Founder 

As a child, playing house was one of my favorite games. We would gather in the backyard, each taking on different roles and responsibilities. There were moms and dads, doctors and lawyers, and then there was me—the teacher. It was a role that I naturally gravitated towards, even at such a young age.


While the other children eventually grew tired of our make-believe world and moved on to other games, I remained dedicated to my duties as a teacher. As the afternoon sun cast long shadows over the yard, I sat at a makeshift desk with a pile of imaginary papers before me. Armed with a pencil and a serious expression, I diligently graded the papers, one after another. I may have been just a child, but I took my role as the teacher very seriously.


The papers I graded weren't just scribbles and doodles; in my mind, they represented the dreams and aspirations of the students in my classroom. Each stroke of my pencil was filled with care and consideration, as I imagined the impact my feedback would have on their learning journey. I rearranged the desks and chairs, adding a touch of authenticity to my imaginary classroom. I wrote lessons on a chalkboard I had received for Chanukah, teaching invisible students about math, science, Chumash, and the wonders of Hashem’s world.


And so, as the years turned into decades, I held onto that dream. I pursued my education, studying diligently to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to make my dream a reality. I faced challenges and setbacks along the way, but the vision of that imaginary classroom kept me going.


And now, here I stand, 30 something years later, walking down the bustling hallways and classrooms, the sound of laughter and learning fills the air. Founding Binas Halev took dedication, perseverance, a deep-rooted Emunas Hashem, and the power of education, but we did it. Together with my inspired team of family and staff, we turned my childhood play into a lifelong commitment. Looking at my students, I see eager faces, their eyes filled with curiosity and hope, and I can't help but feel a sense of fulfillment and Hakaras Hatov to Hashem.


Sarah Grazi

Binas Halev Head of School & Founder

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